If your school receives an allocation of pupil premium funding, there is certain information that you must publish about it such as how much you have received, the spending allocation plan, improvements from previous years funding etc. There are templates available for this from the DfE to publish your Pupil Premium Statements.
Many schools plan their pupil premium use over 3 years. Although you may have a three year plan, you will still need to review it and update it, if necessary, once a year usually towards the end of the Autumn term.
For the current academic year, you must include:
- your school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount
- a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school
- how you’ll spend the pupil premium to overcome those barriers and the reasons for that approach
- how you’ll measure the effect of the pupil premium
- the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy
For the previous academic year, you must include:
- how you spent the pupil premium allocation
- the effect of the expenditure on pupils
Sports Premium
If your school receives PE and sport premium funding, your grant funding agreement will explain what information you must publish. This is likely to include the following things:
- How much premium you received
- a full explanation of how it has been spent
- the impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
- how the improvements will be sustainable in the future
- the percentage of pupils within their year 6 cohort that can do each of the following:
- swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situation