We have seen a massive upsurge in video creation since the schools have closed.
It is the best way to foster a level of community outside of the school. We have seen all sorts so far from Easter crafts, heartfelt messages from teachers and all sorts of challenges to keep kids entertained.
Below are some of our top tips when creating videos.
- Choose your orientation! If you are filming purely for social media then portrait is perfect if it will be going on your website then landscape is the better option as it will fill the screen nicely.
- Check your sound before recording. We have seen many videos where it isn’t up to standard but if you have filmed for 10 minutes the chances are you won’t fancy starting again. Run some test videos first to make sure you can be seen and heard clearly.
- Let people know you are filming! The worst thing that can happen is someone random walks through the shot or the hoover gets fired up midway through a video.
- Choose a neutral background. In this time everyone likes to be a little nosey and have a look at what they can see in people houses but depending on your video topic a nice neutral video will keep the watcher’s attention on you and not the background.
- Make sure your device is secure. If you have a mount then perfect this will hold it steady during filming if not a set of books can nicely hold it in place.
- Have a plan! Know what you will be saying ahead of time and have everything you need ready.
If you have any questions about video filming get in touch we will be happy to answer any questions and we can even help out with the filming via zoom to check sound levels and picture and even help with video editing to cut out the umms and the pauses.
Hosting your Videos
When it comes to getting your videos online you may not be able to directly upload to your website as file size will be prohibitive from there you have two main options both are completely free to get started.
- YouTube, this is the biggest name out there for video and provides the perfect platform if you want to get your videos seen.
- Vimeo is seen as more of a professional platform videos can still be seen by many but they have some privacy settings to hide them.
iTCHYROBOT have a Vimeo Pro account this allows us fully control the access to videos going as far as being able to completely hide them from vimeo listings and lock the video down to only being played on your school domain. Also disabling and share and download options. This makes it a perfect option for schools to keep the videos purely for schools eyes only we can go further and password protect any pages that contain videos they are even more secure.
If you have any questions on videos or hosting or any services we provide feel free to get in touch with me at scott@itchyrobot.co.uk I’m happy to answer any questions.