Ensuring your website is up to date with the most recent requirements from Ofsted can be a tedious, but necessary task. We love keeping our schools up to date on these changes and would like to share with you the latest updates published on September 5th 2022.
School Opening Hours
Schools should publish on their website their opening and closing times and the total time this amounts to in a typical week (for example 32.5 hours).
Schools should show the compulsory times they are open. This time runs from the official start of the school day (morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day. It includes breaks, but not optional before or after school activities.

School Uniform
The department produces statutory guidance on the cost of school uniforms which schools must have regard to when developing and implementing their school uniform policy. This guidance requires schools to publish their uniform policy on their website.
The published uniform policy should be easy to understand and, where a school has a school uniform, should:
- clearly state whether an item is optional or required
- make clear if the item will only be worn at certain times of the year (for example, if it’s summer or winter uniform)
- make clear whether a generic item will be accepted or if a branded item is required
- make clear whether an item can only be purchased from a specific retailer or if it can be purchased more widely, including from second-hand retailers