If you have seen changes to your usual log in page recently, you are one of our chosen clients to trial the new log in system.
As you will be aware, we are continuously looking to improve our products and services to make life easier for our clients.
One of our most recent developments is our ‘Magic Login’. This will alleviate the need to remember log in usernames, passwords and to answer the maths questions (which we even get wrong, on occasion).
The system relies upon an email address that is used by the user in the system so you must ensure that you have access to the email you have registered your account with. So, instead of logging in with the account details, you would simply use your email address. The system then sends an email directly to your registered email address, providing a link for you to directly access the website.
This functionality is used on many websites now as an improved way to log in. It stops the reliance on passwords, which are either easy to access for hackers or too hard to remember for users when they need to log in!
The purpose also has additional security elements that enable a 2 factor authentication, which you will be familiar with from using on other websites.
You can still access the log in via the same methods e.g. www.yourschoolname.co.uk/wp-admin but the page you will see will look like below.

If you are having trouble getting logged into your site it may be one of two things.
Your login is not recognised
This means that the email address you are using is not in the system. If this happens check with your school to make sure you have a valid user account, and that it is using your up-to-date email address.
Your magic link has expired or your account is not recognised
Emailed links only last for a limited amount of time (20 minutes or so). If you have clicked the link within this time and are getting the same message, it could be for another reason.
If this happens, please make sure you are using the same browser when opening the link e.g. requesting the email in Chrome and then make sure the link opens in Chrome. If necessary, try and copy and paste the link directly into the same window.
If you are still having issues or encounter a different error message, please email us at support@itchyrobot.co.uk.