Updated October 2024
As you will be aware, the DfE publish information on their website regarding content that MUST be published on your school website. This information is updated regularly and they have recently published (October 2024) a number of important updates that will need to be reflected in your school website.
The updates for Maintained Schools are as follows:
Governance Information
There has been a significant updates to this section. Please see the new requirements below:
What schools MUST publish
Schools must publish information about their governing body and its committees, in line with the constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools.
What schools should publish
Schools should publish information about the structure and remit of the governing body and any committees, including the full names of their chairs.
Schools should publish, about each governor who has served at any time over the past 12 months:
- their full names
- the date they were appointed
- their term of office
- the date they stepped down, where this applies
- who appointed them, in accordance with the governing body’s instrument of governance
- their attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over the last academic year
Schools should publish governors’ relevant business, financial and pecuniary interests, including:
- governance roles in other educational institutions
- any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff, including spouses, partners and close relatives
Schools should also publish this information for associate members, and whether they have voting rights on any committee they have been appointed to.
DfE also encourages schools to publish easily accessible data about the diversity of:
- their board
- any associated committees
There is no prescriptive way to collect this data, but schools may choose to follow a similar approach to that they use to collate the diversity data of pupils.
Board or committee members can opt out of sharing their information, such as protected characteristics, including after the data has been published.
Schools must ensure that individuals cannot be identified, which may be a particular issue when board or committee member levels are low. Guidance on the Equality Act 2010 and data protection in schools is available.
Pupil Premium
The Recovery Premium has been removed from this section and is now stated as follows:
What schools must publish
Schools that receive pupil premium funding must publish a strategy statement on their school website by 31 December each year.
It must explain:
- how the school’s pupil premium funding is being spent
- the education outcomes being achieved for disadvantaged pupils (replaced from: school is improving outcomes for pupils by how it is spending this funding)
Schools must publish the statement in the DfE template provided on the pupil premium guidance page.
DfE recommends that schools plan their pupil premium spending over 3 years. If they do so, they must still update their statement annually to reflect:
- their spending activity for the current academic year
- the impact of pupil premium in the previous academic year
PE and sport premium
What all schools must publish
Schools that receive PE and sport premium funding must publish, by 31 July each year:
No change to this section:
- the amount of premium received
- a full breakdown of how it has been or will be spent
- the impact seen by the school on pupils’ participation and attainment in PE and sport
- how this improvement will be sustained
By 31 July each year, schools are required to publish the percentage of pupils in their year 6 cohort who have met the national curriculum requirement to:
Changes in Bold
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively – for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Further guidance is available in the conditions of grant document.
Additional section
This means that schools have to put the information ‘on the page’ as opposed to within a document.
If a school downloads a copy of its digital form return and uses this as its published report, it must ensure the form is converted to HTML format. This is to meet accessibility requirements.
Test, exam and assessment results
What all schools must or should publish
All schools must publish a link to the compare school and college performance service and their performance measures page on it.
Key stage 2
Changes – removal of progress score. Further details in the Bold section.
Primary schools must publish their most recent key stage 2 performance measures, as published by the Secretary of State, comprising:
- the percentage of their pupils who achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
- the percentage of their pupils who achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined)
- their pupils’ average scaled score in:
- reading
- maths
It will not be possible to calculate key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress measures for 2023 to 2024 or 2024 to 2025 academic years. This is because there is no key stage 1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years, because of Covid disruption.
For the 2023 to 2024 academic year, primary schools do not have to publish progress scores in reading, writing or maths, as the Secretary of State is not publishing these.